You've got to see this!

Believe it or not, sometimes Infragistics releases even catch me by surprise.  Well, that happened today.  I knew that we were targeting the middle of December for our Silverlight LOB CTP, but I've been so busy lately I didn't even notice it's already the middle of December!  My wife told me that Christmas is only a week away and I didn't believe her.  I did the math.. she was right.  Guess I should start shopping.

Back to the CTP..  Stop what you're doing and go check out  I'll wait for you, I promise. 


That magical experience you just had.. was Silveright.  I'm a huge fan of the Grid control, especially the Hierarchical Financial Data example.  I've seen so many customers build that style UI in the past, I already know it's going to be a hit. 


There are plenty more features to come in the grid, but this is an absolutely amazing start.  And did you notice the performance?  In the Hierarchical Data example, there have to be close to 1000 records in total (it's a 3 level hierarchy..) and it loaded and performed like it was nothing!  Add Tree, Editors, Spell Checker and OutlookBar to the mix, and this is starting to feel more like a release than a CTP! 

You can download the CTP today, and I encourage you to share your questions and thoughts in the Silverlight Forum.


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